Developing map skills of three primary social studies teachers in a community based school in Karachi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


This project was conducted in one of the community-based schools in Karachi. The project was conducted with the aim of developing three primary Social Studies teachers' conceptual understanding, resource development skills especially In building low-cost and no-cost resources, development of appropriate activities, and enhancing the notion of preparing lesson plans regarding maps. For this purpose, one workshop on each element was conducted; developing teachers' conceptual understanding, low-cost and no cost resource development, and on developing map activities. In addition to this, two demonstration lessons were presented, and the participants techniques of teaching were also observed in order to collect qualitative data and evaluate the progress of the project. Every stage of the project was monitored and evaluated by using different tools, such as; interviews with the participants, checklists, observation sheets, pre-test and posttest, participants' reflections, students' work (during the teaching of the teachers), and the researcher's own reflections on each project activities. The Monitoring and evaluation of the data revealed that the project has a significant impact on the teaching practices of the teacher and their knowledge regarding maps. Their conceptual understanding regarding maps has developed as a result of this project. Also, the misconception about different map concepts has been corrected and they have learnt many new ideas about maps teaching. Moreover, the teachers have developed some map resources and lesson plans during the project, which were evidence of their learning during the project work.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
