
Submissions from 1991


Neonatal sepsis in Pakistan Presentation and pathogens, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, T Muzaffar, and B J. Farooqui


Multidrug-resistant typhoid in children: presentation and clinical features, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, R A. Razzaq, and B J. Farooqui


Transcutaneous bilirubinometry in Pakistani newborns: a preliminary report, Z A. Bhutta and K Yusuf


Food based oral rehydration therapy for improved management of diarrheal disease, A M. Molla, A Bari, and W B 3rd Greenough


Effect of antibiotics on food intake and absorption of nutrients for children with diarrhea due to Shigella, A M. Molla and A M. Molla


A traditional diet as part of oral rehydration therapy in severe acute diarrhoea in young children, S Shaikh, A M. Molla, A Islam, A G. Billoo, K Hendricks, and J Snyder

Submissions from 1990


Meningitis-associated low molecular mass proteins in cerebrospinal fluid., Anwar Ali Siddiqui; Waqar MA,; and Khurshid M.

Submissions from 1989


Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism in Pakistan, Murntaz Lakhani, Mohammad Khurshid, Shehla H. Naqvi, and Mohammad Akber

Submissions from 1988


Generalized suppurative lymphadenitis with typhoidal salmonellosis, S H. Naqvi, S Thobani, F Moazam, and N Ahmed