
Submissions from 1996


Moyamoya disease of childhood as a cause of recurrent cerebral ischemic attacks--a case report, S Ibrahim and S S. Hyder


Efficacy of traditional rice-lentil-yogurt diet, lactose free milk protein-based formula and soy protein formula in management of secondary lactose intolerance with acute childhood diarrhoea, S Q. Nizami, Z A. Bhutta, and A M. Molla


Drug prescribing practices of general practitioners and paediatricians for childhood diarrhoea in Karachi, Pakistan, S Q. Nizami, I A. Khan, and Z A. Bhutta


Self-reported concepts about oral rehydration solution, drug prescribing and reasons for prescribing antidiarrhoeals for acute watery diarrhea in children, S Q. Nizami, I A. Khan, and Z A. Bhutta

Submissions from 1995


Primary ciliary dyskinesia: a cause of neonatal respiratory distress, Z A. Bhutta


Ciprofloxacin in multi-resistant infections in childhood: An audit, D M. Khan and Z A. Bhutta


Differences in self-reported and observed prescribing practice of general practitioners and paediatricians for acute watery diarrhoea in children of Karachi, Pakistan, S Q. Nizami, I A. Khan, and Z A. Bhutta

Submissions from 1994


Therapy of multidrug-resistant typhoid fever with oral cefixime vs intravenous ceftriaxone, Z A. Bhutta, I A. Khan, and A M. Molla


Nutrient absorption and weight gain in persistent diarrhea: comparison of a traditional rice-lentil/yogurt/milk diet with soy formula, Z A. Bhutta, A M. Molla, Z Issani, S Badruddin, K Hendricks, and J D. Snyder


Is rice based oral rehydration therapy effective in young infants?, A Islam, A M. Molla, M A. Ahmed, A Yameen, R Thara, A Molla, Z Issani, K Hendricks, and J D. Snyder


Inherited metabolic disorders in Pakistan: Presentation, diagnosis and outcome of congenital hyperammonemias, P Mufti and I Ahmed

Submissions from 1993


Vitamin A status of children in the urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan, assessed by clinical, dietary, and biochemical methods, Ayesha Molla, Salma H. Badruddin, Mohammad Khurshid, Abdul M. Molla, Falak N. Rahaman, Amin Suria, John D. Snyder, and Kristy Hendricks


Diagnosis and outcome of congenital hyperammonemias, P Mufti and I Ahmed

Submissions from 1992


Eradication of a multiple drug resistant Salmonella paratyphi A causing meningitis with ciprofloxacin, Z A. Bhutta, B J. Farooqui, and A W. Sturm


Meconium aspiration syndrome: the role of resuscitation and tracheal suction in prevention, Z A. Bhutta and S Jalil


Nutritional management of persistent diarrhea: factors predicting clinical outcome, Z A. Bhutta, A M. Molla, Z Issani, S Badruddin, K Hendricks, and J D. Snyder


Chloramphenicol clearance in typhoid fever: implications for therapy, Z A. Bhutta, S K. Niazi, and A Suria


Role of cereal-based oral rehydration therapy in persistent diarrhoea in children, A M. Molla and A Bari


Prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in children of the urban slums of Karachi, Ayesha Molla, Mohammad Khurshid, and A. Majid Molla


Necrotizing enterocolitis in infants weighing less than 2000 G, P Mufti and Z A. Bhutta


Therapy of multidrug resistant typhoid in 58 children, S H. Naqvi, Z A. Bhutta, and B J. Farooqui

Submissions from 1991


Current concepts in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma, Z A. Bhutta


Fulminant hepatic failure with typhoid fever in childhood, Z A. Bhutta


Fatal intrauterine meningococcal infection, Z A. Bhutta, I A. Khan, and Z Agha


Dietary management of persistent diarrhea: comparison of a traditional rice-lentil based diet with soy formula, Z A. Bhutta, A M. Molla, Z Issani, S Badruddin, K Hendricks, and J D. Snyder


Hepatic dysfunction in paediatric typhoidal salmonellosis, Z A. Bhutta and S H. Naqvi


Successful eradication of Flavobacterium meningosepticum neonatal meningitis with ceftizoxime, Z A. Bhutta and S H. Naqvi


Chloramphenicol therapy of typhoid fever, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, S Durrani, and A Suria


Chloramphenicol therapy of typhoid fever and its relationship to hepatic dysfunction, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, S Durrani, and A Suria


Neonatal sepsis in Pakistan Presentation and pathogens, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, T Muzaffar, and B J. Farooqui


Multidrug-resistant typhoid in children: presentation and clinical features, Z A. Bhutta, S H. Naqvi, R A. Razzaq, and B J. Farooqui


Transcutaneous bilirubinometry in Pakistani newborns: a preliminary report, Z A. Bhutta and K Yusuf


Food based oral rehydration therapy for improved management of diarrheal disease, A M. Molla, A Bari, and W B 3rd Greenough


Effect of antibiotics on food intake and absorption of nutrients for children with diarrhea due to Shigella, A M. Molla and A M. Molla


A traditional diet as part of oral rehydration therapy in severe acute diarrhoea in young children, S Shaikh, A M. Molla, A Islam, A G. Billoo, K Hendricks, and J Snyder

Submissions from 1990


Meningitis-associated low molecular mass proteins in cerebrospinal fluid., Anwar Ali Siddiqui; Waqar MA,; and Khurshid M.

Submissions from 1989


Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism in Pakistan, Murntaz Lakhani, Mohammad Khurshid, Shehla H. Naqvi, and Mohammad Akber

Submissions from 1988


Generalized suppurative lymphadenitis with typhoidal salmonellosis, S H. Naqvi, S Thobani, F Moazam, and N Ahmed