Equality or equity: Gender awareness issues in secondary schools in Pakistan, Anjum Halai
Private higher education in Pakistan, Nelofer Halai
How teachers become action researchers in Pakistan: Emerging patterns from a qualitative metasynthesis, Nelofer Halai
Understanding a Pakistani science teacher’s practice through a life history study, Nelofer Halai
Developing researchers in education through a doctoral programme: A challenge in the context of Pakistan, Nelofer Halai
Developing pedagogical content knowledge of science teachers through action research: A case study from Pakistan, Nelofer Halai and Manzoor Ali Khan
Islamic education and islamization: Evolution of themes, continuities and new directions, Sarfaroz Niyozov and Nadeem Memon
Influence of teacher-student interactions on kindergarten children’s developing gender identity within the Pakistani urban classroom culture, Almina Pardhan
Sectarian imaginaries: The micropolitics of sectarianism and state-making in Northern Pakistan, Nosheen Ali
Books vs Bombs? Humanitarian development and the narrative of terror in Northern Pakistan, Nosheen Ali
Students’ conceptions of the nature of mathematics and attitudes towards mathematics learning, Munira Amirali
Teachers’ knowledge about the nature of mathematics: A survey of secondary school teachers in Karachi, Pakistan, Munira Amirali and Anjum Halai
Great conversation for school improvement in disadvantageous rural contexts: A participatory case study, Zubeda Bana
Media and youth identity in Pakistan: Global-local dynamics and disjuncture, Al-Karim Datoo
Being left-handed in a right-handed world, Melaine D'Cruze
Why is child labour detrimental for children?, Cassandra Fernandes Faria
Teaching teachers and students about the nature of science, Nelofer Halai
Learning, re‐learning and un‐learning: Our journey across the dissertation process: Reflections of two student teachers, Shairoz Ismail and Noor Hussain
School inspection and supervision in Pakistan: Approaches and issues, Kulsoom Jaffer
Inclusive education training: Steps to prosperity, Saima Khalid
Teachers and teaching islam and muslims in pluralistic societies: Claims, misunderstandings, and responses, Sarfaroz Niyozov
Peer-Review publications for improving scholarship in Central Asia, Duishon Shamatov, Edward Schatz, and Sarfaroz Niyozov
Eradicating child labour in Pakistan, Nilofar Vazir and Yasmeen Mehboob Meghani
Mentoring in teacher education: Building nurturing contexts and teaching communities for rural primary school teachers in Sindh, Pakistan, Nilofar Vazir and Rakhshinda Meher
Understanding the nature of learning disorders in Pakistani classooms, Kausar Waqar and Nilofar Vazir
Reforming education in Pakistan – tracing global links, Sajid Ali and Malik S. A. Tahir
Understanding the practice of teacher educators in implementing the Intel® teach essentials pre service course in Pakistan, Nelofer Halai, Ratan Salem, and Nasira Gardezi
Encouraging criticality through academic reading, Fariha Hayat
Characteristics of a healthy environment, Saima Khalid
Managing conflict in the classroom, Saima Khalid and Syeda Imrana Raza
The power of reframing: Experiences of leadership development, Roshni Kumari and Muhammad Babur
Teachers' perspectives on the education of Muslim students: A missing voice in Muslim education research, Sarfaroz Niyozov and Pluim Gary
Teachers trading: Ideological implications for post-Soviet education and society in Central Asia, Sarfaroz Niyozov and Duishon Shamatov
Environmental hazards in school structures and role of school communities, Nilofar Vazir
Developing creative writing skills in early childhood: A case study from Pakistan, Nilofar Vazir and Shairoz Ismail
What is self-esteem, Nilofar Vazir and Syeda Imrana Raza
Outrageous state, sectarianized citizens: Deconstructing the ‘Textbook Controversy’ in the Northern Areas, Pakistan, Nosheen Ali
Preparing democratic citizens in Pakistani schools, Bernadette L. Dean
Students’ attitudes, motivation and anxiety towards English language learning, Meenaz Shams Hashwani
Madrasa education in South Asia and Southeast Asia: Current issues and debates, Park Jaddon and Sarfaroz Niyozov
Value of traditional games, Saima Khalid
Negotiating teachers professional identity in a changing Chinese society, Li Ling and Sarfaroz Niyozov
Understanding teaching beyond content and method: Insights from Central Asia, Sarfaroz Niyozov
Educators’ perceptions about resources needed for effective school health in government schools in Pakistan, Parvez Pirzado
The role of school principals in enhancing teacher professionalism: Lessons from Pakistan, Meher Rizvi
An appraisal of the criticisms of educational research in recent years, Sherwin Rodrigues
Educating girls: Pakistan’s human resource challenge, Rozina Sewani
External change agents in developed and developing countries, Mir Afzal Tajik
Exploring current practices of supervisors in government primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Nilofar Vazir and Noor Hussain
Understanding children’s play, Nilofar Vazir and Syeda Imrana Raza
Education and women’s empowerment: Re-examining the relationship, Dilshad Ashraf and Iffat Farah
Schools’ participation in great conversation: A proposal for school improvement in Pakistan, Zubeda Bana
Educating for democratic citizenship in Pakistani schools, Bernadette L. Dean
The role of schooling in constructing gendered identities, Bernadette L. Dean, Rahat Joldoshalieva, and Abid Hussainy
Public–private partnerships: Implications for primary schooling in Pakistan, Iffat Farah and Sadaf Rizvi
Role of reflection in facilitating teachers for gender sensitive political literacy instruction, Sadaf Furqan
Learning mathematics in English medium classrooms in Pakistan: Implications for policy and practice, Anjum Halai
Developing research and scholarship at AKU-IED: Possibilities and challenges, Anjum Halai
Making use of bilingual interview data: Some experiences from the field, Nelofer Halai
Continuing teacher professional development in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan, Rahat Joldoshalieva
Enhancing and sustaining teacher professionalism in Pakistan, Meher Rizvi and Bob Elliott
Assessing formatively in the English language classroom, Sherwin Rodrigues
What is in a name? Labels and terminologies regarding disability and special educational needs: A continuing concern, Anupam Ahuja and Parvez Pirzado
Learning mathematical rules with reasoning, Shahida Baig and Anjum Halai
A Pakistani teacher educator’s self-study of teaching self-study research, Ayesha Bashiruddin
Women, Literacy and Development: Alternative Perspectives, Anna Robinson-Pant (Ed.), Iffat Farah
Ethics dilemmas in qualitative research, Anjum Halai
Mentoring in-service teachers: Issues of role diversity, Anjum Halai
Learning to use innovative pedagogy: The experience of a primary science teacher in Pakistan, Nelofer Halai
A long-term investment in Pakistan: Early childhood education, Zohra Nisar Hunzai
Trading or teaching: Dilemmas of everyday life economy in Central Asia, Sarfaroz Niyozov and Duishon Shamatov
Exclusion of girls from education in rural Pakistan, Parvez Pirzado
Colonial legacy: Understanding the historical roots of female illiteracy in Pakistan, Rashida Qureshi
Home school relationships: Challenges for teachers and head teachers in Pakistan, Qamar Safdar
Reflection in action: Constructive narratives of experience, Nilofar Vazir
The influence of globalisation on the national education policies of developing countries, Sajid Ali
Reconceptualization of teacher education: Experiences from the context of a multicultural developing country, Dilshad Ashraf, Jan-e-Alam Khaki, Duishon Alievich Shamatov, Mir Afzal Tajik, and Nilofar Vazir
Autonomy and school success: A case study from Pakistan, Muhammad Babur and Qamar Safdar
Citizenship education in Pakistani schools: Problems and possibilities, Bernadette L. Dean
Creating independent learners: Using inquiry in Pakistani classrooms, Bernadette L. Dean and Farah Huma
Researching practice, practicing research: Impact on teaching and learning, Bernadette L. Dean, Rahat Joldoshalieva, and Muneeza Kizilbash
Teachers’ experiences of learning science: A case of autobiographical reflection, Nelofer Halai
Private schooling in the Northern areas of Pakistan: A decade of rapid expansion, Brian Harlech-Jones, Musa Baig, Shamshad Sajid, and Shams ur-Rahman
Educational development projects at IED: Towards school improvement, Khalid Mahmood and Nilofar Vazir
Agreed syllabi and un-agreed values: Religious education and missed opportunities for fostering social cohesion, Farid Panjwani
Booni Valley women’s perception of schooling: Hopes and barriers, Almina Pardhan
Action research for female science teacher development: Case Pakistan, Harcharan Pardhan
Needs-based workshop motivates primary teachers, Harcharan Pardhan
Enhancing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge: Why and how?, Harcharan Pardhan and Imdad Baloch
Promoting and investigating students’ uptake of reflective practice: A Pakistan case, Jane Rarieya
Reflective dialogue: What’s in it for teachers? A Pakistan case, Jane Rarieya
Managing school success: A case study from Pakistan, John Retallick
Teachers’ perceptions of their professionalism in government primary schools in Karachi, Pakistan, Meher Rizvi and Bob Elliot
Effective head teachers of early years in Pakistan: An exploratory study, Qamar Safdar
Leadership and management - are they alike?, Sajid Ali
Teaching graphicacy skills in Pakistan, Bernadette L. Dean
Action research to study classroom impact: Is it possible?, Anjum Halai