Section of Urology | Department of Surgery | Aga Khan University


Submissions from 2000


Ultrasonographic renal size in individuals without known renal disease, Niels-Peter Buchholz, Farhat Abbas, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani, Qaiser Javed, Jamsheer Jehangir Talati, Masood Afzal, and Imtiaz Rizvi


Genitourinary tuberculosis: A profile of 55 in-patients, N P. Buchholz, S Salahuddin, and R Haque


Use of residual fraction instead of residual volume in the evaluation of lower urinary tract symptoms, A Memon and M H. Ather


Three techniques for simpler, safer, and cost-effective rigid ureteroscopy, A Memon, M H. Ather, and M N. Sulaiman


Surgical management of penile cancer: Report of two cases, M Amjad Noor, Muhammad Hammad Ather, M Nasir Sulaiman, and Farhat Abbas


Reduction of radiation exposure to patients in the follow-up of shockwave lithotripsy, J Talati, S Khan, R Biyabani, R A. Khan, I Naz, F Abbas, and N P. Buchholz

Submissions from 1999


Acute urinary retention: A primary manifestation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and organ confined prostate cancer, Muhammad Hammad Ather and Amanullah Memon


Bone and renal stone disease in patients operated for primary hyperparathyroidism in Pakistan: Is the pattern of disease different from the West?, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani and Jamsheer J Talati


Water as an irrigant in transurethral resection of the prostate: a cost-effective alternative, A Memon, N P. Buchholz, and S Salahuddin


Ultrastructure of peritubular tissue in association with tubular hyalinization in human testis., Haider S G, Jamsheer J Talati, and Servos G

Submissions from 1998


Uroflowmetry and evaluation of voiding disorders, M H. Ather and A Memon


Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome., Niels-Peter Buchholz, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani, MJ Harzig, A Ali, Zafar Nazir, M Nasir Sulaiman, and Jamsheer J Talati


Urolithiasis in pregnancy: A clinical challenge, Niels-Peter Buchholz, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani, M Nasir Sulaiman, and Jamsheer J Talati


Bladder diverticulum as an unusual content of a femoral hernia, Niels-Peter Buchholz, Syed Raziuddin Biyabani, and Jamsheer J Talati


Proteins in renal stones and urine of stone formers., Anwar A. Siddiqui, Taranum Sultana, Niels-Peter Buchholz, Mohammad A. Waqar, and Jamsheer J Talati

Submissions from 1995


Prostatic aspergillosis., Farhat Abbas, Muhammad K. Kamal, and Jamsheer J Talati

Submissions from 1994


Colovesical fistula: an unusual complication of prostatomegaly, Farhat Abbas and Amanullah Memon


The scope and place of ultrasound-monitored extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in a multimodality setting and the effects of experiential, audit-evoked changes on the management of ureteric calculi, Jamsheer J. Talati, L A. Khan, J W. Noordzij, Nadeem Muhammad, A Memon, and M Z. Hotiana

Submissions from 1993


Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Bladder Stones, M Z. Hotiana, L A. Khan, and Jamsheer J Talati

Submissions from 1992


ROLE OF THYMECTOMY IN MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, Sohaila Mohsin Ali, Aziz Sonawalla, Irfan Altafullah, and Hizbullah Sheikh


Renal angiomyolipoma: An uncommon tumour, Zafar Nazir and Jamsheer J. Talati

Submissions from 1991


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for urinary tract stones using MPL 9000 spark gap technology and ultrasound monitoring., Jamsheer J Talati, T Shah, A Memon, R Memon, M Sidhwa, S Adil, and A Omair


Sertoli cell only syndrome (SECOS): Lessons from case studies, Jamsheer J Talati and Hizbullah Sheikh

Submissions from 1990


Ethical dilemmas of health care in the developing nations, F Moazam and M Lakhani


Easy localisation of stones on ultrasound monitored lithotriptors, J Talati


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, Jamsheer J Talati

Submissions from 1989


Seminal vesicle cystic dilatation masquerading as proctalgia fugax, A Khan, M Ahmed, and J Talati