Document Type



Urology; Medicine


Objective: To outline the pattern and trends in major cases of genito-urinary tuberculosis (GUTB) which require hospital treatment.
Method: We retrospectively reviewed 55 patients with proven GUTB who were treated as in-patients in a major referral hospital in Pakistan.
Results: The male/female ratio was 3:1. Prevailing symptoms were lower urinary tract symptoms, flank pain, gross hematuria and fever. A urine culture was positive for tuberculosis (TB) in 57%, bladder biopsies in 54%. For renal TB, intravenous urogram (IVU) and ultrasound were suggestive in about 50% of cases. Ultrasound was very helpful in the diagnosis of testicular TB. Patients underwent surgery in 36% of cases. In contrast to the general trend reported worldwide, surgery was mainly ablative rather than re-constructive. Patient compliance in clinical follow-up and drug therapy was poor.
Conclusion: Surgery for GUTB in Pakistan is still mainly ablative, probably due to a high number of complicated and progressed cases. To date, therapy of GUTB is mainly based on anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy (ATT). However, huge efforts will be required to improve patient compliance without which every therapeutic approach will remain futile.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
