Department of Surgery | Aga Khan University Research | eCommons@AKU
The Department of Surgery offers extensive academic programmes for medical students, interns, residents and fellows. Our ten residency and four fellowship programmes provide a comprehensive learning experience in surgical disciplines taught through clinical and didactic sessions. Our academic mission is to train the next generation of surgical leaders and to advance the field of surgery through translational research. We work towards the mission by integrating education and research with clinical services, entailing a full range of surgical treatments including cutting-edge techniques, minimally invasive surgery and state-of-the-art procedures.​ ​Residency Programmes at the Department of Surgery provide residents with the range and depth of academic experience and academic exposure required to develop superior surgical skills and an ability to make mature, informed, independent judgments. Graduates of the programme are expected to be superior general specialists. For surgeons or surgery, this level of capability is attained through a programme that offers extensive clinical exposure at every level of training.​​​


Browse the Department of Surgery Collections:

Department of Surgery

Section of Breast Surgery

Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Section of Dental-Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

Section of General Surgery

Section of Neurosurgery

Section of Ophthalmology

Section of Orthopaedic Surgery

Section of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery

Section of Paediatric Surgery

Section of Urology

Section of Vascular Surgery