"Essay writing in English: From product to process" by Tasneem Shabbar Zaidi

Essay writing in English: From product to process

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


The focus of this study was to help teachers develop an understanding of teaching essay writing through the writing process at the lower secondary level. Two language teachers of the lower secondary level participated in the study. The research study comprised of three stages, the exploratory stage, the intervention stage and the post-intervention stage. After getting the baseline data from the exploratory stage I intervened in various ways, such as sharing literature, giving teachers hands-on practice, involving them in lesson planning, team teaching and initiating discussions during and after each intervention. The purpose of this intervention was to help teachers in making a shift from product to process-oriented writing. The findings of the post- intervention phase reveal that teachers needed more time to develop an understanding of the new learning. Writing Process was found to be a useful strategy but it was difficult to fit it into the existing situation. The problems that were found to be significant was the load of syllabus completion which was making it difficult for teachers to implement Writing Process in essay writing classrooms. Writing Process helped in developing learners' essay writing skills provided sufficient time was allocated for writing. Implications for teachers and teacher educators is also discussed.

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