"Head teachers: Beginning to make a difference" by Suraiya Yousufi

Head teachers: Beginning to make a difference

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Professional development of head teachers of schools in Pakistan is a neglected area. The only elaborate programme provided at present is the Advance Diploma In School Management (ADISM) programme offered by the lED. In this dissertation I have tried to explore how this programme is impacting head teachers role perception and helping them to enact their role for school improvement. Throughout the field work I found the heads taking pains to implement some of the ideas learnt during the ADISM programme. In order to understand the changes I was able to put together the various context related issues that confront the heads in their day to day work at the schools. Out of these emerged similarities and differences between the government and the private sectors. What was also fascinating was the different approaches adopted by the heads in prioritizing particular aspects of school improvement. The research showed that the head teachers while perceiving their role as curriculum and instructional leaders face a lot of challenges. The knowledge, the field support guidance and encouragement provided by the faculty of Institute for Educational Development, is helping them to face these challenges. However, some of the challenges need the attention of higher officials. This study recommends well organized professional development programmes for supervisors and education officers who could support the heads in bringing about School Improvement. A substantial part of the dissertation explores my learning as a researcher. I found this experience extremely valuable because during the course of research I went through many unforeseen difficulties and solving them gave me insights about tackling the problems. The dissertation has valuable methodological insights which will be useful for further research and my work with teachers for school improvement.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
