"Effectiveness of teachers’ continuous professional development (CPD) i" by Akech Venty Obura

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Fortidas Bakuza

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Patrick Ojok


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This qualitative study using case study design sought to explore the effectiveness of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in enhancing learners’ achievement in primary schools of Abim district in Uganda.

There are numerous CPDs in Abim district whose expected outcome is improved learners’ achievement but there is little evidence to authenticate that.

A total sample of thirteen (13) respondents participated. The study used interviews and Focussed Group Discussion as methods of collecting data from sampled participants. Data collected, consisted of information about respondents’ understanding of CPD, organisation, implementation, and evaluation.

The participants understood CPDs in many different ways. The study established that most CPDs are organised following set guidelines by the ministry of education and sports. CPDs were also found to be evaluated by simply following teachers to schools and classrooms inform of monitoring and supervision.

Using Creswell’s model of data analysis, the overall findings of the study revealed that the effectiveness of Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development in enhancing learners’ achievement is minimal and it may be one of the causes of the low achievement of learners in

primary schools in the district. The study recommended the creation of a research desk at the district Education office to identify teachers’ professional gaps that need CPD and a budget be allocated to cater for the teachers’ CPDs in the district. It also recommended that CCTs liaise with head teachers to identify professional gaps among the teachers within their centre so that centre-based or school-based CPDs are organised to meet every teacher at his or her point of need. Lastly it recommended that teachers embrace change that come with the 21st century education system so that they and their learners are not left behind.
