"Senior teacher classroom supervisory practices in Boane district, in M" by Aleixo Amelia Jose

Senior teacher classroom supervisory practices in Boane district, in Mozambique

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Lilian Vikiru

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Instructional supervision has been identified as the key factor to guarantee curriculum implementation and quality education in schools and thereby improved students outcomes. Current trends postulate that instructional supervision is a means available to school leaders and external supervisors to assist novice teachers as they enter the teaching profession. Thus this study sought to examine senior and junior teachers' views about senior teachers' classroom supervisory practices in primary schools in Mozambique, and focused on three main supervisory practices: induction and mentoring, classroom observation and professional development. There is a belief that these supervisory practices enable junior teachers learn about the school culture as they engage with more experienced teachers to develop collegiality and collaboration. Also instructional supervision addresses junior teachers' professional development needs through the provision of opportunities to attend formal training programmes that enhance teacher’s performance in the classroom. Though, the study reported lack of in-house teacher professional development programmes which was exacerbated by junior teachers’ negative views about lesson observation. This study followed a sequential mixed research design approach. Two 5 items Likert scale close ended questionnaire was administered to both senior and junior teachers. After the quantitative analysis, a focus group protocol was employed to collect qualitative which aided the researcher in gaining an in-depth understanding of the issues that emerged from the responses to the questionnaire items. I employed multilevel random sampling techniques. Firstly, I used stratified random sampling to select the 5 primary schools and the 99 respondents of the survey. Then, for the FGD I used purposive sampling to select 20 senior teachers and convenience random sampling technique to select 20 junior teachers. Otherwise, the conclusions of the study indicated the urge for the provision of relevant and sustainable training to senior teachers on current trends in instructional supervision practices in primary schools.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
