"Exploring the preparation of pre-service teachers to teach about HIV/A" by Steven Rwezaula Kapele

Exploring the preparation of pre-service teachers to teach about HIV/AIDS education in secondary school in Tanzania

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Lilian Vikiru

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Peter Kajoro


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


HIV/AIDS continues to be a global concern, threatening the lives of many people, particularly the young. The Education sector has been and continues to be in the first line fighting against HIV/AIDS pandemic following the introduction of HIV/AIDS education in the education systems. While literature has concentrated on the impact of HIV/AIDS education in schools, very little has been written on the preparation of the teachers to teach about HIV/AIDS education in Tanzania. This study, which aimed at exploring the preparation of the pre-service teachers to teach about HIV/AIDS education in secondary schools in Tanzania, was carried out at a diploma teachers' college. Personal interviews, a focus group discussion, classroom observations and documents analysis were used to collect data from the field. The sample consisted of one senior administrator, two teacher trainers and twelve pre-service teachers who provided in-depth information on how preservice teachers are prepared to teach about HIV/AIDS education in secondary schools in Tanzania. The study revealed that at a diploma in secondary education, HIVIAIDS content that is prescribed in the two subjects of Biology and Development Studies is inadequate. The study revealed that, the lecture methods were commonly used to teach HIV/AIDS contents in the classroom sessions while many of participatory and active methodologies recommended in the syllabi were not used. The findings indicated that the college used different community members, assembly messages and guidance and counseling to supplement the formal classroom sessions on HIVIAIDS educations. Nevertheless, HIV/AIDS education in the college was challenged by pressure from the community, inadequate teaching and learning resources, shortage of time, lack of competent teacher trainers and lack of support. This study provides HIV/AIDS education stakeholders with insights on how to enhance effective preparation of pre-service teachers to teach about it in secondary schools in Tanzania.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
