"Preparation of preschool children for grade one: a case study of a rur" by Ruth Nyongi Kituzi

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Shelina Walli

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Marriote Ngwaru


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Preschools in Kenya play an important role in the preparation of children for grade one. Most preschools are community-based and the management of preschool solely lies in the hands of parents. However, problems such as funding and lack of parental involvement abound. The study adopted a qualitative case study which examined preparation of preschool children for grade one in a rural public preschool in Likuyani Sub-County, Kenya. Four teachers ,two drawn from the preschool, two from grade one and six parents responded to open ended interview questions on how preschool children are prepared for grade one. The preschool had eighty pupils in total, two classrooms and three levels of children that is, baby, middle and top class. Observations, interviews and document analysis in both preschool and grade one classes were conducted by the researcher to document the strategies preschool teachers used and challenges faced while preparing preschool children for grade one. Results of the study revealed that strategies used included use of songs, demonstrations ,free play activities ,theme-based strategy and direct instruction. While challenges preschool teachers faced as they prepared preschool children for grade one included: lack of facilities, inadequate resources, parental involvement, motivation and age. The study therefore recommends for more parental involvement in preschool issues and furthermore the government to consider employing and providing a scheme of service for preschool teachers.
