Office of the Provost | Aga Khan University


Submissions from 1990

Data quality standards and geographic information systems, Carl Amrhein and P. Schut

Statistical analysis for geographers, Daniel A. Griffith, Carl Amrhein, and Joseph R. Desloges

Submissions from 1989


The effect of problem size in microsimulation modeling using a hybrid model, Carl Amrhein


The effect of data aggregation on a poisson model of Canadian migration, Carl Amrhein and R. Flowerdew


Poisson regression models of Canadian census division migration flows, Robin Flowerdew and Carl Amrhein

Submissions from 1988


The effect of simultaneous firm and worker relocation on regional economies: a simulation model, Carl Amrhein


Location, technical change and labor migration in a heterogeneous industry, Carl Amrhein and James W Harrington


A micro-simulation model of a spatial labor market, Carl Amrhein and Ross D MacKinnon


Response to Florida and Kenney's comment on a geography of the venture capital industry in the U.S, Thomas Leinbach and Carl Amrhein

Submissions from 1987


Simulation and labour market dynamics, Carl Amrhein


A geography of the venture capital industry in the U.S, Thomas Leinbach and Carl Amrhein

Submissions from 1986


The effect of job advertising policies on interregional labor migration, Carl Amrhein


Towards a behavioral model of a spatial labor market, Carl Amrhein and Ross D. MacKinnon


Technical and locational evolution in a heterogeneous industry, J.W. Harrington and Carl Amrhein

Submissions from 1985


Interregional labor migration and information flows, Carl Amrhein

Simulating intraindustry change and migration, Carl Amrhein and J.W. Harrington


An elementary simulation model of the job matching process within an interregional setting, Carl Amrhein and R. MacKinnon

Submissions from 1984

The effect of spatial structure on interregional labor migration, Carl Amrhein and L. Leifer

Submissions from 1983


NATO advanced study institute: evolving geographical structures, Carl Amrhein

The effect of random thiessen structure and random processes on the measurement of spatial auto-correlation, Carl Amrhein, D. Griffith, and J. Guevara


An evaluation of correction techniques for boundary effects in spatial statistical analysis: traditional methods, D Griffith and Carl Amrhein