"Statistical analysis for geographers" by Daniel A. Griffith, Carl Amrhein et al.
Statistical analysis for geographers

Statistical analysis for geographers



Written from the perspective of both human and physical geography, this book applies elementary statistical analysis to the geographical sciences. It emphasizes the study of spatial data series and highlights problems peculiar to such data treating both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Table of Contents

Preface -- About the Authors --Descriptive Statistics. Introduction and Background Data and Measurement-- Descriptive Classical Statistics: Elementary Summaries-- Descriptive Classical Statistics: Central Tendency, Dispersion, and Relationship-- Descriptive Spatial Statistics : Central Tendency, Dispersion, and Relationship An Excursion Into Elementary Probability Theory-- Selected Theoretical Frequency Distributions-- The Foundations of Inferential Statistics. Sampling Designs-- Essential Concepts For Inferential Statistics-- Simple Hypothesis Testing-- Complex Hypothesis Testing-- Simple Linear Regression-- A Transition to Multivariate Analysis. Multiple Linear Regression-- An Introduction To Analysis of Covariance-- An Introduction to Trend Surface Analysis-- Cluster Analysis: An Introduction to Objective Group Techniques--Bibliography Appendices-- Index

Publication Information

Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1990




Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis for geographers
