"Obesity and the need for bariatric surgery in Pakistan" by Adil Aijaz Shah and Amir Hafeez Shariff

Obesity and the need for bariatric surgery in Pakistan

Document Type





© 2013 Japan Society for Endoscopic Surgery, Asia Endosurgery Task Force and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.After establishing a foothold in the West, the pandemic of obesity now threatens to spin out of control in the developing nations of Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Like many of its neighbors, Pakistan has witnessed an unprecedented growth in the number of overweight and obese individuals in its population, and obesity is proving to be an issue of considerable public health concern. Conventional medical therapies for obesity and related complications have proven to be less than effective, especially in the population of the southeast, which appears to be inherently predisposed to developing obesity-related complications. Bariatric surgery is fast emerging as a definitive therapeutic alternative for obesity and has proven to be highly successful and cost-effective at producing remission of complications of the same. In this article, we expound the need for introducing and incorporating bariatric surgery as part of the therapeutic protocols for obese individuals of South Asian descent suffering from the chronic and debilitating complications of obesity.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Asian Journal of Endoscopic Surgery
