Kimura's disease of head and neck : a rare case presentation

Talha Ahmed Qureshi, Aga Khan University
Moghira Siddiqui, Aga Khan University
Muhammad Tariq, Aga Khan University


Kimura’s disease (KD) is a rare, unusual occurrence, predominantly seen in Asian men, and poses a diagnostic challenge, often manifesting with allergic, eosinophilic hyperplasia, and nonspecifi c lymphadenitis. A 39-year-old man presented with mobile, well circumscribed, facial and neck swelling. His earlier biopsy showed a reactive lymph node hyperplasia on ultrasound neck and was suggestive of lipomatosis. As defi nitive diagnosis could not be made, the patient was planned for excision and biopsy. Subsequent histopathology demonstrated eosinophilic infi ltration of lymphoid follicles and expansion of interfollicular area with interfollicular eosinophilic abscess formation and capillary venule proliferation. This was quite interesting as the previously diagnosed case of nonspecifi c lymphadenitis based on biopsy later turned out to be a rare occurrence of KD. Furthermore, because of other systemic symptoms (pedal edema and eye irritation), which probably refl ected generalized manifestations of KD, the patient was referred to a rheumatologist after diagnosis, where he was effectively managed with immunotherapy and steroids.