"Angioembolization in itractable epistaxis—a tertiary care experience" by Maqbool Ahmed Baloch, Mohammad Sohail Awan et al.

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Objective: To review the role of angioembolization in the control of intractable epistaxis at our institution. Methods: A retrospective review of the charts of the patients between Jan 2001 to June 2010 at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi was done. All patients who underwent angioembolization for intractable epistaxis were included in the study. Patients with nasal or nasopharyngeal mass were excluded. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 16. Results: Total numbers of the patients were 16. Fourteen (87.5%) patients were male and 2(12.5%) were female with mean age 51.2 ± 12.922 years (range 26-71 years). In 11(68.75%) patients there were no associated risk factors for epistaxis, 3(18.75%) patients had uncontrolled hypertension, 1(6.25%) patient had road traffic accident and 1(6.25%) patient had bleeding after nasal surgery. All patients were initially treated by anterior and posterior nasal packing for 48 to 72 hours. Angioembolization successfully controlled epistaxis in all 16 (100%) patients initially. However, in 2(12.5%) cases embolization had to be repeated; in 1 patient on the same day and in another patient after one month of initial procedure. The average length of stay after angioembolization was 1.9 ± 0.854 days. No major or permanent complication was observed. Two (12.5%) patients developed minor complications (1 patient experienced facial pain for 7 days and another patient developed haematoma at the site of femoral artery). Conclusion: Angioembolization is a safe and effective treatment option for intractable epistaxis

Publication (Name of Journal)

JPMA: Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
