Laparoscopic retrieval of two intragastric spoons at least seven years after ingestion

Document Type



General Surgery; Surgery


Foreign body ingestion is a commonly encountered presentation. The majority of foreign bodies pass in stool spontaneously within one week or are managed endoscopically within the first 24–48 hours. No guidelines are available for management of chronically retained foreign bodies at present. A unique case is presented of two chronically retained teaspoons in the stomach that failed endoscopic retrieval and required laparoscopic surgery. Post operatively, the patient did well with no complications. A large foreign body that is not amenable to endoscopic intervention will benefit from surgery. If expertise is available, laparoscopic intervention is a safe and feasible option to remove large foreign bodies from the stomach that is not amenable to endoscopic retrieval.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery
