"Exploring how English language teachers develop reading comprehension " by Mirbaz Ali Khan

Exploring how English language teachers develop reading comprehension skills of grade 5 students in a private school in Karachi, Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Reading comprehension skill is an essential component of English language for English language learners. It has a strong link with other skills of English language like writing, speaking and listening. It provides a base for development of these skills through comprehension fluency, critical thinking development, vocabulary enhancement and syntax. Research claims that English language teachers (ELTs) help students to develop their English reading comprehension skills by using different strategies and supplementary materials as well as the role of the teacher is vital. The aim of this study was to explore how ELTs develop English reading comprehension skills of grade 5 students in a private school in the context of Karachi, Pakistan. For this purpose two ELTs and a group of six students were selected as study participants. A qualitative research approach is used to conduct this study. Within the qualitative paradigm an exploratory case study design was used to collect data. Data were collected through various sources such as classroom observations, interviews, FGD, documents analysis and field notes. The generated data were analyzed through making codes, categories, themes and sub-themes and further analyzed in depth. The findings of the data show that the use of reading comprehension strategies, supplementary materials by ELTs and their own understanding and approach towards readings plays a key role in promoting students’ reading comprehension skills . ELTs role was found to be pivotal as a facilitator, monitor and as a guide in promoting the reading comprehension of their learners. The study is significant for teachers, teacher educators, policy makers in general and ELTs in particular to reflect on their teaching practices and to improve the existing practices further. The study recommends that ELTs need to have professional training and experience to have an understanding of accurate strategies, use of supplementary materials which is important to develop students’ RCS.

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