"School practices to reduce student absenteeism: A case of a boys' publ" by Khalidah

School practices to reduce student absenteeism: A case of a boys' public secondary school in District Tando Allahyar, Sindh

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Students’ absenteeism from their schools has been a big issue in Sindh Province. There are various studies done on students’ drop out from elementary school level. The reason found for these drop-outs was students’ constant absenteeism from school. This study was conducted to explore the school practices to reduce the students’ absenteeism. A qualitative case study was conducted in a government Islamia Boys’ School (Pseudonym) of District Tando Allahyar, Sindh. Research participants were selected from different stakeholder groups. Altogether, data were collected from nine participants including: One head teacher, four teachers, four students, and two parents. Data collection tools for this research were semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, observations, and document analysis. Findings of the study revealed the good practices of stakeholders that control students’ absence from the school, which include, collaboration among stakeholders, teacher empowerment, engaging and interactive teaching and learning and co-curricular activities in the school. The study also revealed the challenges that are faced by the school in controlling the absenteeism. Because of poverty some parents prefer their children to generate income rather than sending them schools or support their mothers in taking care of their younger sibling and let their mothers work. Lack of resources in school also makes some students stay at home. The study put forward the suggestions that school should have basic facilities so that students can comfortably carry out their classroom activities and also there should be strong means and channels of communications between parents and the school.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
