"Use of animated videos to enhance grade V students' conceptual underst" by Muhammad Bashir

Use of animated videos to enhance grade V students' conceptual understanding of an abstract topic of science

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Teaching of science has become more impressionable with the integration of technology. A small-scale action research study was organized in one of the Government High schools of Gilgit Baltistan to explore the use of animated videos for teaching an abstract concept of ‘states of matter’. The study was conducted in a science classroom of Grade V. The research found how animated video worked in Grade V science teaching to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of states of matter. This action study was conducted over a period of five weeks comprising of three cycles. In the reconnaissance stage, three lessons of science teacher were observed, a pre-test, a focused group discussion with six purposively selected students and an interview of the science teacher was carried out. In cycle 1, 2 and 3, six lessons were planned and taught. Data was collected through observations, focused group discussions, interviews and pre and post-tests. The finding of the study showed that students gradually got familiar with animated videos, started sharing their ideas in a group, and resultantly these animated videos proved meaningful in supporting their understanding of states of matter. The findings also showed that students took an initial step towards conceptual understanding- a slight bent from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. The study also pointed out at both teacher’s and students’ misconceptions about states of matter. However, this study has implications for the school in terms of students’ better learning and effective teaching. Therefore, schools need to relook its method of teaching from rote memorizing to conceptual understanding, and teachers need to change their lectured based teaching to activity/animated video-based teaching.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
