"Causes of English teachers turnover and its effects on students learni" by Omidullah Khawary

Causes of English teachers turnover and its effects on students learning

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


One of the challenging issues that educational institutions face in staffing the classes with qualified teachers is the high rate of teachers’ turnover. It creates problems in schools, which ultimately leads to substandard instruction and low student achievement (Liu & Meyer, 2005). Therefore, it is important for educational organizations such as schools, colleges and universities to increase their efforts to attract and retain skilled and committed teachers in order to enhance students’ learning and performance. This study aims at exploring the causes of English teachers’ turnover in a non-government educational organization in Kabul, Afghanistan. This research is conducted using a qualitative case study to get an in-depth understanding of the causes of teachers’ turnover and its effects on students’ learning. The results indicate that lack of teachers’ motivation, lower salary, communication gaps between management and teachers, market opportunities for English teachers, workload, absence of career path and weak recruitment processes are the main factors contributing to teachers’ turnover which sometimes results in teachers leaving the teaching profession altogether. Moreover, this study indicates interruptions in learning process, behavioural adjustment of students with new teachers, continuous exposure of students with novice teachers, and emotional interruptions as the negative effects of turnover on students’ learning. Considering the findings, this study recommends a re-adjustment of teachers’ salary and their working conditions. Moreover, creation of covenantal bond rather than contractual bond is suggested that can motivate the teachers to remain with the organization and the teaching profession. Creation of such a bond requires a transformational leader governing the system.

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