"Exploring the beliefs and practices that contribute to youth leadershi" by Muhammad Ali

Exploring the beliefs and practices that contribute to youth leadership development in a private higher secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Nurturing the leadership qualities and skills of the young learners has become one of the major objectives of schools/colleges around the world. In Pakistan the National Education Policy and Curriculum place considerable emphasis on developing leadership qualities and skills of youth at higher secondary education level. However, there is least evidence available as to how these National policies are enacted in school/colleges in terms of youth leadership development. This qualitative exploratory case study attempted to explore the beliefs and practices that contribute to youth leadership development in a private higher secondary school in Karachi, Pakistan. The purpose of the study was to explore some contextual youth leadership practices from the Pakistani school context. The data was collected by using semi-structured interviews, focused group discussion, observation, and document analysis. The principal of the school, five teachers (involved in co-curricular activities) and seven youths (play leadership role in the school) participated in this study as research participants. The study found that in the school, youth are believed as people with full of energy and potential and they need guidance, opportunity and participation to actualize their potential. Youth leadership development is viewed as significant for developing future leaders as well as for the personal, social and moral development of youth. It was also found that the under studied school provides various opportunities and activities to the youth inside the school, outside the classroom and outside the school to enhance their leadership qualities. Based on findings of the study, a model for youth leadership development called the "Nurturing Model of Youth Leadership Model" is proposed. The implication of the findings for teachers, educators and school is to improve the conditions for youth leadership development at school level. The insights gained from this study can be a significant addition to the existing body of knowledge in the area of youth leadership development at higher secondary schools in Pakistan.

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