Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Digital Journalism (MADJ)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Nancy Booker

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Thrity Engineer


Graduate School of Media and Communications


Human resources are a key pillar for driving media leadership and innovation. These resources are, however, very diverse in terms of skills, expertise, gender, areas of specialization and age among other factors. This study set out to critically examine and understand the dynamics of multi-generational digital newsrooms in Kenya and provide recommendations and strategies for how they can be managed better to ensure productivity and sustainability. Chapter one of this document provided an introduction and background to the study. This chapter also outlined the rationale of the study, the literature review, the problem statement, research objectives and questions, the research methodology, the scope and limitation of the study and finally, the structure of this document. Research showed that there are six main generational cohorts namely: The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y or Millennials, Gen Z and Generation Alpha. Preliminary research and literature review also revealed that the challenges of managing multi- generational newsrooms in the fast-paced digital environment are being experienced worldwide. The second chapter presented the findings of this study obtained from interviews conducted with multimedia journalists, HR Managers as well as mid and senior- level media managers. The findings revealed deep-rooted inter-generational misunderstanding, stereotypes and suspicion, but there were also areas of convergence among the respondents from the generations. Chapter three contained the conclusions drawn from this study and the researcher’s recommendations. This study encourages media and HR managers to use the inter-generational points of convergence among journalists in digital newsrooms as the building blocks of cohesive, efficient and productive newsrooms. Lastly, the project document comprised a tip sheet for media and HR managers on how to manage multi-generational digital newsrooms effectively and efficiently based on solutions proposed by the journalists, editors and HR managers themselves.

Available for download on Monday, February 17, 2025
