"Exploring science teachers' preparedness for the Implementation of the" by Godwin Otieno Oduor

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Fredrick Mtenzi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Peter Kajoro


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


The purpose of the study was to find out how well prepared science teachers are for the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) at the Secondary Education Level (SEL) in Rachuonyo South Sub-County. The study also looked at science teachers' training, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, technological skills, and attitudes toward CBC implementation. A descriptive survey design was used in the study, with a target population of 344 people, including 43 secondary school deputy head teachers, 43 science department heads, and 258 science teachers from all 43 secondary schools in the study area. Questionnaires were administered to science teachers and interview guides used to get data from science department heads and deputy head teachers. Quantitative data was analyzed using the mean and standard deviation to determine measures of central tendency. On the other hand, qualitative data was processed by first sorting and discussing responses for each item based on the objectives before editing, coding, and reporting through the descriptive narrative of the study participants' views, experiences, and opinions. According to the study's findings, the majority of respondents had not received in-service training in preparation for the CBC's implementation. Furthermore, the majority of science teachers expressed uncertainty about their level of preparedness in terms of CBC subject content knowledge and pedagogical preparedness. Nonetheless, when it came to technological skills, most teachers were confident in their digital literacy abilities. They were concerned, however, that their schools lacked basic ICT infrastructure and equipment such as computers, projectors, whiteboards, or smartboards, which could impede curriculum

implementation. Furthermore, the findings revealed that the majority of teachers had a favorable attitude toward the CBC. As a result, it was decided that teachers should receive in-service training to equip them with technological skills, CBC content, and pedagogy to facilitate curriculum delivery. Furthermore, pre-service teacher education should be prioritized in order to sustain the program. To ensure a smooth curricular transition, the study recommended collaboration among key stakeholders, including teachers through their unions, parents through the Parents' Association (PA), and other public and private sector agencies.
