"Exploring the influence of one-on-one peer support on academic perform" by Gerald John Kimaro

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Winston Edward Massam


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study explored the influence of one-on-one peer support on the performance and career pathway choice of students with Visual Impairment (VI) in secondary school. The study adopted a qualitative research approach with a case study design. The sampling was purposive and the sample size comprises four teachers (One academic teacher, the head of the special need department, one teacher from STEM and one teacher from the social science department) and ten students (five pairs of one-on-one peer support from Form three class). The study employed an interview guide, focus group discussion guide and document analysis protocol as the instruments for data collection. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews which involved the teachers, focus group discussion with the students and document review and analysis. The data was transcribed verbatim, coded, and themes were generated through thematic analysis. The study findings revealed that one-on-one peer support was initiated by school management and teachers to enhance the performance of students with VI. It was noted that since the introduction of one-on-one peer support, the performance of students with VI has improved. However, the study found no formal document describing the structure, objective, monitoring and evaluation for oneon-one peer support. Additionally, it was observed that teachers hardly monitored effectively oneon-one peer support learning between students with VI and regular learners as there wasn’t a guideline on how to do it. Thus, one-on-one peer support is a remarkably powerful strategy for supporting students with VI, but it should be well structured for easy monitoring and evaluation
