"Overcrowded classrooms: assessment and evaluation strategies by Scienc" by Rutoh Dominic

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Winston Edward Massam

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Patrick Ojok


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


This study investigated how science teachers have successfully conducted assessment and evaluation in overcrowded classrooms due to 100% transition in Kenya, and particularly, in Kericho County. Two objectivities guided the study: - to find out the strategies used by science teachers to conduct assessment and evaluation and to determine how science teachers cope with assessment and evaluation challenges in overcrowded classrooms. Purposive sampling was used to selected five science teachers instructing form three class in the sampled school. Simple random sampling was used to select 12 students who participated in the study to ensure everyone got a chance to be selected. The study employed qualitative approach and a case study design and used interviews, focus group discussion, lesson observation and document analysis as instruments to gather data and data collected analysis qualitatively. Key findings from the study revealed that science teachers used self, peer and performance assessment and evaluation strategies with the provision of a rubric that clarifies the expectations and marking criteria that influences students' research, communication, listening, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills which are essential in the engagement of learners. The school had adequate teaching and learning resources and equipped science and computer laboratories although congested and classrooms need expansion. The school employed Board of Management (B.O.M) teachers to address teacher shortage and qualified laboratory personnel to ensure regular practical skills assessment supplemented with simulations. Effective feedback practices were adhered to due to policy that was developed by established extended leadership in science department. Recommendation made include designing of a curriculum by MOEST for Teachers Training Colleges (TTC) and universities which focuses on alternative assessment strategies, such as self, peer, and performance assessment. The study suggested further research on assessment and evaluation strategies that may lessen teachers’ workloads associated with marking and reviewing learners work while maintaining quality.
