"Digital storytelling as a pedagogical approach: A multiple case study" by Saima Sher

Digital storytelling as a pedagogical approach: A multiple case study

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr Tasneem Anwar


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Storytelling has been an ancient pedagogy used by teachers. With technological advancements, storytelling has also become digital. This research explores the use of digital storytelling as a pedagogical approach. A qualitative multiple case study is used to present four digital stories proposed for teaching disciplinary content of science and English. This study involved four participant teachers i.e., three science teachers and one English teacher. An online competition was held to purposively select the digital stories. Data were mainly collected through online sources. For instance, the online form, digital stories by the teacher participants, interviews and scoring rubric. Data were analysed through thematic and magnitude coding. TPACK framework was used to analyse the overall use of digital stories. After analyzing the four sources, it was concluded that creating a useful DS requires the use of all three knowledge domains: content, pedagogy and technology. Moreover, this research study offered a pragmatic model to design digital stories. Finally, this research presents implications for stakeholders and recommendations for future practice and research.

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