"Exploring interdisciplinary STEM quest as an opportunity for online te" by Shaouna Iftikhar

Exploring interdisciplinary STEM quest as an opportunity for online teacher professional development using TPACK framework

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy in Education

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr Tasneem Anwar


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


This dissertation study presents in-service teachers’ experiences of co-designing an interdisciplinary Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (iSTEM) WebQuest as iSTEMQuest in an iSTEM-focused online Teacher Professional Development (oTPD). This study shares eight science and math teachers' iSTEM inquiry in primary grades in a public school context in Hyderabad, Pakistan. This study used a three-phase design-based research as its methodological framework derived from McKenney and Reeves (2012) and was grounded in the theoretical framework of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – TPACK (Mishra and Koehler, 2006). This study allowed the researcher to develop a researcher-practitioner partnership with participant in-service teachers through exploration, implementation, and evaluation of the iSTEM-oTPD. Teachers developed their iSTEMQuests in two teams using iSTEM as a crosscutting element as recently added to the Pakistan National Curriculum. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, teachers’ self-assessment rubrics, Focused Group Discussions, and the artefacts collected during the iSTEM-oTPD. The findings of this study are presented as six design principles (1) WebQuest as a guided inquiry; (2) collaborative approach to trying new ideas; (3) use of the WhatsApp platform as an online community of practice; (4) explicit use of TPACK Framework; (5) balanced approach for using theory in practice; and (6) enhancement of the learning experience through a researcher-practitioner partnership. Moreover, the study also highlighted in-service teachers’ views of iSTEM and found S at the core of iSTEM, while T was reflected in the use of multimedia in the design of iSTEMQuest and somehow E was lost whereas, M was found to support the concepts of science and their application in real-world settings. The study also shows how the inquiry-oriented purpose of WebQuest was lost. This design-based research offers implications for both practitioners and researchers.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
