"Exploring the strategies used to improve the English language reading " by Alia Nuzhat

Exploring the strategies used to improve the English language reading comprehension of students of grade V in a private secondary school Gilgit-Baltistan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Mirat al Fatima Ahsan


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Reading is meaningful when it is comprehended. As Gilakjani, & Sabouri (2016) state that reading comprehension is more than simply recognizing words and developing knowledge. It may be seen as a process that requires abilities and strategies so that the reader can fairly reconstruct the author's message”. Reading is enjoyable, fun, and informative when a reader understands what you are reading. Keeping in mind the importance of reading comprehension, this research explored the strategies used to improve the reading comprehension of students in the context of Gilgit-Baltistan.
In this study, qualitative Action Research methodology was used to explore the strategies used to improve the reading comprehension skills of students in grade V. Data was collected in three phase i.e. reconnaissance, intervention and post-intervention with the help of semi-structured interviews of English language teacher, non-participatory observations, classroom teaching and a focus group discussion as well as pre and post-tests.
Findings of the study revealed that English reading comprehension can be improved through innovative strategies and activities.
Students will be better able to understand the content if they participate in the activities more. The results also show the significance of exposure to the target language, engagement, and appropriate input for the development of reading comprehension. Similarly, prepared lesson plans with strategies and organized activities also help in improving reading comprehension of students. Last but not least, findings indicate that peer assistance is vital for students to enhance their reading comprehension since they may more readily engage with the target language and readings tasks in peer-to-peer exchanges.

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