"Validation of the Kiswahili version of the migraine disability assessm" by Aliasger Nagri

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Medicine (MMed)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Philip Adebayo

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Miten Patel

Third Supervisor/Advisor

Tumbwene Mwansisya


Internal Medicine (East Africa)


Background: Migraine is a chronic paroxysmal neurological disorder characterized by multiphase attacks of head pain and many neurological symptoms. The MIDAS is a five (5) question-based questionnaire used in clinical practices to identify the disability caused by migraine at work, school, household or social life; with a score indicating little or no disability (0-5), mild disability (6-10), moderate disability (11-20), and severe disability (21+). Translated versions of the MIDAS scale in a number of languages has been validated. Translating and validating the Kiswahili version of the MIDAS questionnaire is essential and needed to ensure its comparability to the original English version. In the Kiswahili speaking population, MIDAS-K questionnaire will be an essential tool that will guide treatment in patients with migraine and bridge the gap between clinician and patient understanding of disability caused by migraines.

Objective: To validate a Kiswahili translation of the MIDAS among patients suffering from Migraine in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Methods: A cross-sectional psychometric validation study of this instrument was conducted after translation to Kiswahili. A total of 70 migraneurs were recruited by systematic random sampling in this study. Construct validity was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation and factors were then analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis for model fit. Convergent and divergent validity was also examined. Internal consistency, split half reliability and test retest reliability was analyzed using Cronbach Alpha, Guttmann coefficient and intra class correlation coefficient respectively.

Results: v Factor analysis showed two-factor structure. The construct had good model fit as shown by Chi Square/degree of freedom of 1.46, Tucker-Lewis-Index of 0.90 and Comparative Index of 0.99. Convergent validity and discriminant validity was good. MIDAS-K had a good internal consistency of 0.78, good split half reliability of 0.80 and acceptable test retest reliability for all items as well as total MIDAS-K scores.

Conclusion: The Kiswahili version of the MIDAS questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool to measure migraine-related disability in the Tanzanian population. Further studies are recommended in other Kiswahili-speaking nations in view of existing subtle lexical differences.
