"Corporate brand equity and firm performance: a case study of Mwananchi" by Bakari S. Machumu

Date of Award


Document Type


First Supervisor/Advisor

Nancy Booker

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Bitange Ndemo


Graduate School of Media and Communications


This study sought to assess the relationship between corporate brand equity and firm performance, a case study of Mwananchi Communications Limited (MCL). The general objective was to establish the effects of corporate brand equity in accelerating MCL’s business performance. The study was guided by three specific objectives: To assess factors influencing the corporate brand equity of MCL in Tanzania, to determine the relationship between corporate brand equity and the performance of MCL and to develop a functional business model that will capitalise on the firm’s corporate brand equity to establish other businesses. Different studies and reports in Tanzania have demonstrated that brand equity has helped companies to perform better than their competitors who place less focus on brand equity. Makusi (2020) established a relationship between the placement of online adverts and brand awareness of the Vodacom brand and its services. This study adopted a qualitative research approach to collect data at MCL. It was done within Tanzania and within MCL. The researcher used key-informants interviews aided by an interview guide to collect data. The researcher also used the document analysis method to collect secondary data. Thematic data analysis technique was used to analyse data from 13 key informants. The study revealed that MCL has benefited from its corporate brand equity through brand extension, where it has successfully launched courier business and new events like Rising Woman Initiative (RWI) and Mwananchi Thought Leadership Forum (MTLF), among others. However, the study also established that MCL had not invested enough in increasing its brand equity. The study recommends that MCL focuses on increasing its brand awareness and perceived quality to strengthen its brand equity. MCL also needs to increase its marketing budget. Radio, television and digital advertising need to be a major component of its media mix. MCL stands to benefit more through optimal utilisation of its popularity and has the potential to strengthen further its brand equity.
