"Implementation of do-talk-record strategy in lower secondary mathemati" by Samina Naz

Implementation of do-talk-record strategy in lower secondary mathematics classroom in government school

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (M. Ed.)


Institute for Educational Development, Karachi


Teaching and learning mathematics is considered a boring and difficult task by the teachers as well as students where teachers have to take whole responsibility of transferring mathematics knowledge to students and students fearfully receive this knowledge as passive recipients. My experiences a learner and later as a teacher in the same situation has stimulated my thinking about a better and effective way of teaching and learning mathematics which could invite students' active participation in their own learning. Hence I took the opportunity to conduct a study according to my interest in mathematics teaching. The focus of my study was the implementation of the Do - Talk - Record strategy in lower secondary mathematics' class in a government school. The research was carried out for five weeks and the study was designed to follow three stages (pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention). I followed a qualitative research design because qualitative research seeks to enlarge our sense of explanation and makes things understandable by means of explanation or interpretation. The observation of classroom practice, interview of research participants and my own teaching helped me with data collection. During the pre-intervention stage, I found that the teacher's current emphasis was on rote learning. Students blindly followed the procedure directed by the teacher. The purpose of my study was to create an environment for the students in which they became self learners and, they would relate mathematics to their daily life with anintent to promote long-term memory. Through the Do - Talk - Record strategy I tried to develop discussion skills in students. For that purpose I gave students some activities. During activities I recognised some teaching approaches which helped me to know how students learn; such as learning through misconception, learning through prior knowledge, learning by doing, learning by questioning and learning through discussion. I used those approaches which enabled me to support students' conceptual understanding of fraction'. The result of this approach enabled me to suggest some recommendations, like the Do - Talk - Record strategy be introduced in the educational institutions in Pakistan on a trial basis.

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