Teachers' practices in handling learners with dyslexia in inclusive classroom in a Kenyan primary school

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Ms. Mary Anyango Oluga

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Darcey


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Dyslexia is a hidden specific reading disability that affects a number of learners within the classrooms. Its effects are spread across the whole curriculum. Teacher practices play an important role in the inclusion of learners' with dyslexia in classroom activities. Without intervention and differentiation of their learning these learners cannot Succeed in the educational system. This study explored teachers' practices in handling learners With dyslexia in inclusive classrooms in a Kenyan primary school. For in-depth understanding of the study, literature was reviewed on studies related to teachers’ perception of dyslexia. A qualitative approach was used to explore the teachers’ practices through interviews, observations and document analysis. The participants were primary school teachers who provided data to address these questions; a) what is the teachers understanding of dyslexia? b) How do teachers view learners with dyslexia? c) What strategies do teachers implement in inclusive classes to accommodate learners with dyslexia? Data revealed that teachers were inadequately prepared to include learners with dyslexia in the classrooms. Teachers lacked skills and techniques to identify these learners within the classroom. Findings indicate that teachers use teaching methods and strategies that are exclusionary. The study established that there were courses at the teacher training colleges and universities on special education, though the participating teachers felt the preparation they got to teach learners with specific learning disabilities was limited. Hence there is a need to improve teacher preparation at pre-service and in service to impart teachers with skills to teach in an inclusive classroom. The study also highlighted some challenges teachers face that needs to be addressed so that teachers can incorporate learners into the lessons. Finally, implications and recommendations for further research are given before drawing the conclusion.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
