"Adopting gender responsive pedagogy: an action research" by Christine Anditi

Adopting gender responsive pedagogy: an action research

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Zeenat Shariff


Institute for Educational Development, East Africa


Gender disparities and poor quality of teaching continue to pervade secondary schooling in Kenya. There is a need to focus on what is actually happening within classrooms to alter gender disaggregated data in performance, retention, completion and transition. The teacher is the authority figure in the teaching and learning process. Hence, reforms of teaching practices should take initiatives that help teachers adopt gender responsive pedagogical approaches aimed at considering individual learner needs for improved teaching outcomes.

This action research therefore explored how teacher was engaged in adopting a gender responsive pedagogy in a form two class of a secondary school in Kenya. The data collection methods used were interviews, observations, reflections and document analysis.

Findings from the study suggest that a teacher is likely to have some knowledge of gender issues in the classroom. However, this is not translated into practice due to limited knowledge and skills on how to implement it into classroom practice. Interventions with the support of a coach can help a teacher adopt gender responsive teaching strategies. The teacher’s dispositions and the impact of the pedagogy on the learners can also facilitate a teacher’s adoption of this gender responsive pedagogy. However, constraints brought about by the school setting and a teacher’s social construction may hinder a teacher’s uptake of the pedagogy. The study highlights the need for much more enhanced exposure to gender issues in teacher development during pre- service and in- service.

The study further recommends that similar studies carried out in the diverse context of Kenyan teachers and secondary schools could be a major step towards improving the quality of secondary education.

This document is available in the relevant AKU library
