"Developing and validating team objective structured assessment of tech" by Nida Najmi

Developing and validating team objective structured assessment of technical skills (TOSATS) for obstetrics emergency skills: Eclampsia managements

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Professions Education (MPHE)


Educational Development


There is a paucity of validated tools available in the literature which through which technical and non technical skills of a team performance in an emergency obstetrics drills can be assessed. Objectives: To develop Team-OSATS (TOSATS) tool for Emergency Obstetric Skills of eclampsia management and investigate the validity and reliability of the tool. Methodology: the tool was developed by reviewing the available literature for item identification. A seven point Likert scale was used to measure the ease or difficulty of performance of each task. The tool was reviewd by team of experts to investigate the content and face validity. Reliability of the tool was assessed by using it on a team of physicians an nurses who performed emergency obstetric drill of ecplamsia in simulated envoirnement. Result: TOSATS tool was found to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring eclampsia drill. The Cronbach's alpha of .804 was caluculated suggesting good reliability. There was a high level of agreement between the raters on performance of the teams ([CC .736 95% CI .546-.879). Conclusion: TOSATS is a reliable and valid tool to measure teams performances in eclampsia 'drills.

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