"Validation of a motivational measure scale, and its correlation to stu" by Tabassum Naveed

Validation of a motivational measure scale, and its correlation to student academic performance and self-direction

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Health Professions Education (MPHE)


Educational Development


This study aims to determine reliability, validity and correlations of "Course Interest Survey (CIS) Instrument", as a measure of motivation of medical students. Introduction: Teachers perceive lack of student motivation as a cause for poor academic performance at Women Medical College. Literature review showed paucity of valid instruments to measure Medical Students' motivation. The study was conducted to determine validity of CIS to measure motivation of medical students, and to determine any relationship between students' motivation. their Self-Direction Aptitude (SDLAS survey) and academic achievement. Methods: 220 MBBS women students of Women Medical College Abbottabad, from first to final years, were randomly selected and consent obtained. CIS and SDLAS questionnaires were administered and First Term examination results were collected. Result: The Cranach’s alpha for the CIS scale and its subscales Attention, Relevance. Confidence and Satisfaction were a=0.863, 0.748, 0.749, 0.240 and 0.693 respectively. The overall Kaiser-Meyer-011cin was 0.884. Factor Analysis with varimax rotation revealed four components explaining 51% of the total variance. Pearson's correlation on results obtained on CIS and SDLAS was 0.377 (p<0.01). The correlation between SDLAS scale and First Term examination results was 0.166. Discussion: Reliability of CIS scale reveals homogeneity of the items of the scale but reliability of Confidence Subscale may have been lowered due to random errors or difficulty in item interpretation. Four factor structure of CIS scale provided construct validity evidence for our cultural context. However convergent validity evidence was mixed. First term exam may not have given good correlation with CIS and SDLAS as compared to professional exam. Assessment type might have affected the result. This study also identified the need for faculty training in self-efficacy, feedback, criterion referenced assessment and instructional methods which promote self-directed learning.

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