Agreement between orthodontist's and patients' perception using IOTN-AC and its correlation with IOTN-DHC

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MScN)


School of Nursing and Midwifery, Pakistan


Esthetics governs an important part of our lives today. Esthetics is a highly subjective phenomenon which can be effectively assessed using the index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). A difference in the esthetic perception between the orthodontist and patient is an cause of concern. Similar perceptions allow all to achieve better understanding and focus treatment towards improved results and eventually better pratice. OJECTIVE: To assess the agreement between the orthodontist's and patient's perceived aesthetic scoes using the aesthetic component (AC) of IOTN at pre orthdontic treatement levels. To determine the correlation of IOTN-AC of the orthdontist and patient with Dental Treatment Component (IOTN-DHC). STUDY DESIGN: Cross sectional analytical study STUDY SETTING: Orthodontic clinic, the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi. STUDY DURATION: 1st March- 31st August 2012. SUBECTS AND METHODS: The study sample consisted of a total of 121 subjects including 41 males and 80 females. Their chronological age was determined in years and months. Perception of esthetics was using the IOTN-AC and it was correlated with IOTN-DHC. RESULTS: There is a correlation (r-0.516, p≤0.001*) and a fair agreement (k=0.339, p≤0.001*) between orthodontist's and patient's perception. CONCLUTIONS: Although statisically significant, patients may not always be able to clinically judge their actual presenting condition. Hence, detailed patient consultation at the time of intiation of treatment is recommended. KEY WORDS: Index of Orthodontics Treatment Need, IOTN, Self-peception, Orthodontist perception, perception, IOTN-AC, IOTN-DHC.

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