"Exploring teaching and learning of chemistry concepts: a case study of" by Beatrice Adhiambo Okech

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Veronica Sarungi

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Mussa Mohamed


AKU-East Africa


The purpose of this study was to explore teaching and learning of chemistry concepts in the secondary schools in Kenya. The study adopted a paradigm where a qualitative research approach and a single case study were used. The study was done in a secondary school in Kisumu County, Kenya. The study used face to face interviews with teachers and students as primary research instrument while classroom observations and document analysis supplemented the interviews. The findings reveal that although five strategies were used for teaching and learning of chemistry concepts, there are those that learners preferably enjoy and like when used including experimentation and class discussions. Findings of the study are that there are several factors that influence teaching and learning of chemistry concepts including students’ attitude, level of the learners, limited resources, and scheduling of the lesson. The study concluded that teachers should consider making proper choices of strategies for teaching and learning of chemistry concepts .These strategies chosen should be those that are preferred by the learners that is learner centered. In addition, the learning environment should be favorable and be appreciated by the learners so as to promote learning. Finally teachers should take up the role of cultivating positive attitude in the learners towards chemistry concepts. A recommendation additional training through workshops should be given to teachers on how to handle concepts that are considered technical to student and for the teachers to understand approaches that best suit these concepts. The study also recommends that adequate resources be availed in schools proportional to the number of students for successful teaching and learning.
