"G&c teachers’ preparedness for the provision of guidance and counselli" by Constance Wasai Nyambu

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Prof. Dr. Joe L.P. Lugalla

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Mweru Mwingi


AKU-East Africa


Guidance and counselling in schools is vital in promoting holistic development of learners. However, for guidance and counselling to be effective and perform its intended positive role, the preparedness of the G&C teachers must be accorded high importance. This study aimed at establishing the preparedness of the G&C teachers in the provision of G&C in public secondary schools in Taita sub-county, Kenya. It also sought to assess the training levels of the G&C teachers as well as establishing the challenges they encounter. The study employed a qualitative approach, a case study of three secondary schools. The sample comprised of 5 G&C teachers, 2 principals, 1 deputy principal, 1 Sub-county Director of Education and 33 students. The methods of data collection included interviews and focus group discussions. The findings of this study indicated that G&C teachers were not prepared enough to handle G&C effectively. Majority of the teachers had not received any special training in guidance and counselling. Few had attended workshops and seminars which they deemed not effective. This study established a number of the challenges that G&C teachers face, they included; time constraints, inadequate training, heavy workload, role conflict among others. This study concludes that for G&C teachers to be well prepared for their role, they require proper training to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills. In order to enhance teachers’ preparedness in providing guidance and counselling, this study recommends reinforcement of intensive training for the G&C teachers both at pre-service and in-service level. It also recommends that the ministry employs full-time and trained counsellors in schools, consider reduce the workload for the G&C teachers, and formulate clear guidelines on the qualifications and appointment of the school counsellors (G&C teachers)
