Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Shelina Walli

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Jane Rarieya


AKU-East Africa


Writing is one of the four skills in language learning which helps students to develop a set of intellectual and motivational plans. In the second language, learning how to write requires additional ability and time. This means that teachers have to motivate students to develop good writing skills by providing instruction in the writing process.

Literature shows that most native speakers find it difficult to learn writing skills and therefore for second language learners it can be harder. In Kenya Kiswahili is a second language to many and therefore students have to be scaffolded in composition writing using relevant approaches so as to overcome writing hitches and learn required skills properly. That is why this study sought to investigate approaches teachers utilize in supporting Kiswahili composition writing. The study employed a qualitative approach and a case study research design. Also, purposive sampling was conducted to choose two public secondary schools and four teachers of Kiswahili.

This was to provide in-depth information precisely aiming at the determinants of choosing approaches, benefits of using the approaches, challenges which teachers faced when using the approaches and the way forward. Data was collected using semi-structured face to face interviews, classroom observations and document analysis.

The findings revealed that teachers employed genre and product approaches which were teacher-centered. In addition, majority teachers did not adopt a process-genre approach which comprises the strengths of genre, product and process approaches. The uses of approaches in composition writing enhanced students’ recall power and solved the needs of learners with different abilities among others. The emanating challenges revealed included inadequate time for teaching composition writing, wide Kiswahili syllabus, inadequate instructional materials and even perception towards composition writing. Most teachers suggested that the issue of the wide syllabus can be solved by increasing time for teaching composition writing which will entail adding the number of Kiswahili lessons in the timetable. Subsequently, it will foster teachers to employ process- genre approaches that are learner-centered.
