"Investigation of wellbeing of preschoolers in shared school environmen" by Hamza Shabani

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)

First Supervisor/Advisor

Nipael Mrutu

Second Supervisor/Advisor

Dr. Abdalla Mohamed


AKU-East Africa


Tanzania as a member of the international community is in the implementation of various conversion which advocates for the wellbeing of children at home and the school environment. This study investigated the wellbeing of preschoolers in a shared school environment at Kiomboi district Singida- Tanzania. The study employed a qualitative approach and case study designed in which interview, observation and document analysis were used as a tool of data collections. Two primary schools were involved in this study where respondents were two preschool teachers, one quality assurer and two heads of school were interviewed during data collection. Data revealed that a shared school environment is a challenge in attaining the positive well being of preschoolers. However, different school initiated different strategies to ensure that school environment support preschoolers‟ wellbeing. Therefore I argue that to ensure the wellbeing of young children, collective efforts are required to strengthen the existing support structure. I argue further that there is a need for having an integrated early childhood development policy that will bring on board various stakeholders such as health, agriculture and education to collaboratively work towards improving early childhood care, education and development.
