"Female education in Pakistan" by Khush Funer Murtaza

Female education in Pakistan

Document Type



Professional Development Centre, Gilgit


Education has been of central significance to the development of human society. It can be the beginning, not only of individual knowledge, information and awareness, but also a holistic strategy for development and change. Education is very much connected to women’s ability to form social relationships on the basis of equality with others and to achieve the important social good of self-respect. It is important, as well, to allow women to participate in various fields so they can ensure that their voices and concerns are heard and addressed in the public forums. Education is a critical input in human resource development and is essential for the country’s economic growth. It increases the productivity and the efficiency of individuals and it produces skilled labour force that is capable of leading the economy towards the path of sustainable growth and prosperity. The progress and well-being of a country largely depends on the choices of education made available to its people. It can be one of the most powerful instruments of change. This paper attempts to illustrate the importance of female education, and some factors which support or facilitate female education in Pakistan. The paper also highlights the challenges encountered in female education, and concludes with some practical suggestions.

Publication (Name of Journal)

International Journal of Management Sciences
