Document Type



Paediatrics and Child Health; Radiology


Bleeding in the newborn is often a serious problem because of cardiovascular effects associated with a loss of blood and/or the damaging effects of bleeding on neonatal tissues, especially the brain. Gastric polyps are described as abnormal lesions that originate in the gastric epithelium or submucosa and protrude into the stomach lumen. Clinical presentation of gastric polyps in children varies widely, from incidental endoscopic finding to massive gastrointestinal bleeding. However, acute gastrointestinal bleeding in association with hyperplastic gastric polyps has been reported very rarely. We report a case of unusual upper gastrointestinal bleeding in newborn baby on 2nd day of life, secondary to gastric polyp, which was diagnosed and resected through endoscopy.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP
