"Global Burden, Epidemiologic Trends, and Prevention of Intrapartum-Rel" by Shabina Ariff, Anne Cc Lee et al.

Global Burden, Epidemiologic Trends, and Prevention of Intrapartum-Related Deaths in Low-Resource Settings

Document Type



Paediatrics and Child Health


Intrapartum-related neonatal deaths include live-born infants who die in the first 28days of life from neonatal encephalopathy or die before onset of neonatal encephalopathy and have evidence of intrapartum injury. A smaller portion of the population in poorer countries has access to basic obstetric and postnatal care causing neonatal mortality rates to be higher. Presence of a skilled birth attendant and provision of basic emergency obstetric care can reduce intrapartum birth asphyxia by 40%. With the announcement of Sustainable Development Goals and global Every Newborn Action Plan, there is hope that interventions around continuum of care will save lives.

Publication (Name of Journal)

Clinics in Perinatology
