"Life-threatening complication of retropharyngeal abscess in an infant:" by Ayaz Ur Rehman, Salman Khan et al.

Life-threatening complication of retropharyngeal abscess in an infant: A case report

Document Type

Case Report


Paediatrics and Child Health; Surgery


Background: Deep neck space infections are uncommon in infants. Retropharyngeal abscess (RPA) is a deep space neck infection that can present with subtle signs and symptoms. Delay in diagnosis can lead to life-threatening complications. Here we describe life-threatening complication of retropharyngeal abscess.
Case presentation: We report a life-threatening complication of retropharyngeal abscess in 10-month old Asian infant weighing 8.2 kg. The patient presented with fever, right-sided neck swelling, hoarseness of voice, and respiratory distress. The clinical and radiological findings were suggestive of airway obstruction complicated by retropharyngeal abscess. The patient was urgently taken to the operating room and underwent (grade 3) intubation. After stabilization, the patient underwent endoscopic trans-oral incision and drainage, during which 5 cc pus was aspirated. Antibiotics were prescribed for 2 weeks following the procedure based on the sensitivity result of the pus culture.
Conclusion: In retropharyngeal abscess, a delay in diagnosis can result in life-threatening complications. This report highlights the importance of prompt recognition of a threatened airway and the management of retropharyngeal abscess by emergency physicians. If an emergency physician suspects RPA with airway obstructions, the airway should be immediately secured in a secure environment by otolaryngologist and an anesthesiologist.


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Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Medical Case Reports
