Chamberlain mediastinotomy for diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea.
Document Type
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Primary tracheal tumours are extremely rare. Bronchoscopy is the standard diagnostic procedure of obtaining biopsy of a tracheal mass, however it becomes challenging if the obstructing lesion is placed distally along the trachea occluding greater than 90% of the airway. We report the case of a 25-year-old male who suffered from severe tracheal stenosis. The lesion was biopsied through a chamberlain mediastinotomy, under local and mask anaesthesia and was found to be primary adenoid cystic carcinoma.
Publication (Name of Journal)
Heart, Lung & Circulation
Recommended Citation
Fatimi, S.,
Sajwani, R.,
Rizvi, N.,
Javed, M.,
Khan, A.,
Ahmad, U.
(2008). Chamberlain mediastinotomy for diagnosis of adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea.. Heart, Lung & Circulation, 17(6), 515-6.
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