Document Type



Medicine; Haematology/Oncology


The aim of this retrospective analysis was to look at the spectrum of bacterial isolates and their resistance patterns to the commonly used antIbiotics in the settmg of febrile neutropenia. A total of 127 bacteria were isolated from patients with acute leukemias, lymphoproliferative disorders, aplastic anaemia and various solid tumours. Fifty-four percent organisms were gram negative; while the rest were gram positive. E. coli, pseudomónas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus, enterococcus and streptococci were the commonly isolated organisms. Forty-eight percent organisms were isolated from blood, 16% from urine, 13% from wounds and superficial abscesses and 11% from respiratory tract. E. coli exhibited a great degree of resistance to the commonly used antibiotics, such as pipericillin (70%), ofloxacin (50%) and aztreonam (50%). Pseudomonas and kiebsiella also showed varying degree of resistance against the antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus and staphylococcus epidennidis were almost universally resistant to penicillin and showed a variable degree of resistance to other antibiotices too. Compared to the previous reports, the pattern of bacterial isolates and their resistance to antibiotics has changed over the past years. Aminolgy­cosides and third generation cephalosporins seem to be the choice of antibiotics for the upfront manage­ment of febrile neutropenic patients (JPMA 48:364,1998).

Publication (Name of Journal)

Journal of Pakistan Medical Association

Included in

Oncology Commons
