"Pathophysiology of cerebral venous thrombosis--an overview." by Ahmed Itrat, Sana Shoukat et al.

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Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is a disorder with a unique pathophysiology which needs to be described. A Medline search of all articles detailing pathophysiology of CVST was done, using keywords: cerebral venous thrombosis and pathophysiology. In addition, major texts were reviewed for additional references. The pathophysiology of CVST depends on two interconnected events, local signs due to venous infarct, e.g., hemiparesis and global signs due to raised ICP from an obstructed venous system--papilloedema and isolated intracranial hypertension being one of them. Pathophysiology of CVST is diverse and makes it easier to understand the diversity of clinical presentations.

Publication (Name of Journal)

JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association

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