"Isolated deep venous thrombosis--case series, literature review and lo" by Ayeesha Kamran Kamal, Ahmed Itrat et al.

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Cerebral Venous Sinus thrombosis may rarely be isolated to a cortical vein or to the deep venous system. When the deep venous system is involved, prognosis is generally poor. In addition, long term follow up is not reported. We conducted a retrospective review of all patients admitted to a major tertiary care center, with the diagnosis of isolated deep venous thrombosis. Two patients were identified with isolated involvement of the deep venous system, they are reviewed in detail with long term follow up. Two young South Asian women in their thirties with rapid onset of neurologic signs and symptoms are reported. Even when one patient required intubation and mechanical ventilation for stupor, both had excellent neurologic recovery. Over 6 years of follow up there has been no recurrence. In spite of stupor at presentation, complete recovery is possible without long term recurrence.

Publication (Name of Journal)

JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association

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